Английский язык. 8-11 классы. Речевые зарядки на основе пословиц. Программа для установки через интернет

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Развитие коммуникативной компетенции является основной задачей обучения иностранному языку в школе в условиях реализации ФГОС.
В пособии предложен опыт использования речевых зарядок в образовательном процессе в рамках урочной и внеурочной деятельности как эффективного средства организации практики устной речи учащихся 8-11 классов с целью обогащения их лексического запаса, формирования предметных умений и УУД; раскрыты методические решения, которые будут полезны учителю при организации такой обучающей языковой среды, где каждый ученик непременно успешен.
Предназначено учителям английского языка общеобразовательных учреждений; рекомендовано студентам педагогических учебных заведений; полезно учащимся.

Минимальные системные требования:
- операционная система - Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/8.1;
- процессор - Pentium-II;
- оперативная память - 256 МВ;
- разрешение экрана - 1024х768;
- свободное место на жестком диске - 400 МВ.

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Примеры документов



A a

ability способность allow позволять

achieve достигать ambitious честолюбивый

admire восхищаться architect архитектор

afford позволять себе at first сначала

agree соглашаться attempt попытка

B b

be afraid of бояться boiling water кипяток

be carried away быть увлеченным bottom низ, дно

be in love with влюбиться brain attack инсульт

behave вести себя brain мозг

belief вера break (broke) разрушать

believe верить bridge мост

bite кусать bring (brought) приносить

C c

capability способность classmate одноклассник

care заботиться climb взбираться

career карьера cloud туча, облако

cause послужить причиной colleagues коллеги

cautious осторожный commit совершать

champion чемпион companion товарищ, партнер

chase гнаться compare сравнивать

cheat обманывать corporal телесный

chew жевать crime преступление

chief главный cure лекарство

church церковь cure лечить

civilized цивилизованный

D d

dangerous опасный different различный

date свидание discipline дисциплина

dead мертвый disciplined дисциплиниро-

death смерть ванный

decent порядочный discuss обсуждать

decide решать disease болезнь

decrepit ветхий dishonest нечестный

defile оскорблять dishonestly нечестно

delighted восхищенный dream (dreamt) дремать, мечтать

demand требовать drive (drove) прогонять

depend on зависеть driving school школа вождения

describe описывать drugs наркотики

deserted заброшенный

devour поглощать,

diet диета

E e

earn one’s living зарабатывать enemy враг

на жизнь entertainment развлечение

earn зарабатывать escape ускользать

easily легко evil зло

enchant очаровывать expensive дорогой

F f

fade увядать fiancé жених

fall (fell) падать fight (fought) бороться

famous знаменитый find (found) находить

fashion мода fit здоровый

fat жирный forget забывать

feel good быть в хорошем fortune удача

настроении forward вперед

few мало

G g

gambling азартные игры go in for увлекаться

gentle вежливый God бог

glamour шарм, обаяние gold золото

glitter блестеть greedy жадный

H h

handsome красивый high-ranked высоко-

happen случаться поставленный

hardly едва ли homeless бездомный

harmful вредный honest честный

health здоровье horrible ужасный

hear (heard) слышать hungry голодный

high ranks высокие чины hyperactive сверхактивный

Примерные ответы на задания


Unit 1

Task 2.

1) You should learn much to become learned.

2) Some men read a lot to become wise.

3) Some men travelled a lot to become wise.

Task 3.

I would like to become wise and learned because it’s important to have good knowledge in every sphere. There are people which don’t pay attention to their mental storage. To tell the truth many of them develop their mind too little. They remain at the same level all their life.

Unit 2

Task 2.

1) Every person should spend money to get education.

2) Education is the most important thing for many people.

3) Some people don’t think about education.

Task 3.

If you spend money on clothes and entertainments you will feel well. You have much money and your life is beautiful. You are fond of shopping in Milan, meeting friends in night clubs, driving expensive cars.

But one day your father is taken to prison for peculations. In a moment you are not a representative of Gold Youth. You are poor. Your friends don’t want to know you. You try to find a job. But your English is zero; your computer skills are so-so.

All you can find is a job in the yard of a neighbouring house.

A street-cleaner is a very required profession.

Unit 3

Task 2.

1) Rich people are not always witty.

2) Wit can help you in difficult situations.

3) Wit is better than wealth.

Task 3.

One day you lost your purse with money. You are in an unknown countryside. You see a house on the outskirts of the village. The house is neither rich nor poor. You knock on the door and an old woman opens the door. You tell her you have lost your purse but you have something better and ask her to let you in. The woman lets you in and you show her your treasure, a white round stone. (You have found it in her yard). You have cooked soup of this stone and the soup was excellent.

Everybody knows this tale and a witty boy who will never be hungry cause wit is better than wealth.

Unit 4

Task 2.

1) Even a good teacher will hardly educate a silly person.

2) It is impossible to cure a dead person.

3) People who have some mental abilities can be taught.

Task 3.

Situation 1.

Imagine that you are a teacher and you must teach all pupils to read and write. But there is a pupil in your class who can be hardly taught, to put it mildly. You do everything to help him but all he can do is to tell you how much is 2 by 2. You understand you can’t make mercury of every log. But you must.

Situation 2.

You work at a driving school. One day a man of 30 comes to you. He wants to drive the car. You teach him everything but he can’t keep the rules in his mind. When practice starts you see that he is unteachable, he always runs into something. You understand that you can’t make mercury of every log.

Unit 5

Task 2.

1) Some people prefer to be poor and honest.

2) Money is the only important thing for some people.

3) Nowadays a good name means little.

Task 3.

Once upon a time there lived a poor man. He was an honest man; he never stole, never betrayed. He was a teacher of literature and got little money for his job. His daughter was very ill. He needed much money to cure her but nobody wanted to lend it to him. His students were going to pass an exam. The boy who had always had bad marks brought a big sum of money and gave it to the teacher. The teacher was very honest but he wanted to see his daughter healthy. He took the money and the student got an excellent mark. The colleagues of the teacher were shocked when they got to know it. The reputation of the teacher was spoilt. Everybody called him dishonest now. By the way the teacher’s daughter didn’t feel well and soon died.

Unit 6

Task 2.

1) Money has no smell.

2) Do you think about the smell of your money?

3) Some people prefer to earn money in a dishonest way.

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